Sectors > Industry

We coach and meet the strategic and technological challenges of our clients in more than 10 business sectors.
Our objective: to study your problems, to find together answers adapted to your context and to provide sustainable solutions to meet your challenges of digital transformation.
Our principal sectors: Banks & Insurance, Energy, Retail, Luxury, Public Sector, Media, Start-ups & Software Publishers, Health & Pharmaceuticals, Logistics and Industry.
Shift from physical products to digital services
The "servicisation" of industry is essential to retain customers and create new opportunities. This implies considering the customer context, with product usage. This perspective shift may require changes in internal culture and above all a new approach to innovation.
Use data to innovate
In the service economy, use value is paramount. It is therefore necessary to know precisely customer needs, its way of using the product as well as the quality of its experience. By analyzing all of this data it becomes possible to monetize the product by offering new services, such as rental or pay-per-use. Data will also be the foundation for forming partnerships that will complete its offer by offering an end-to-end service.
Gain in agility and speed
Offering innovative services to internal and external users requires a certain flexibility: it is necessary to be able to quickly test and optimize new offers. All the more so in a context of an acceleration of the economy marked by a number of mergers and acquisitions, or even geographic expansion. It is therefore essential to design architectures that offer both agility and also offer control over security, costs and resilience.