Sectors > Logistics

We coach and meet the strategic and technological challenges of our clients in more than 10 business sectors.
Our objective: to study your problems, to find together answers adapted to your context and to provide sustainable solutions to meet your challenges of digital transformation.
Our principal sectors: Banks & Insurance, Energy, Retail, Luxury, Public Sector, Media, Start-ups & Software Publishers, Health & Pharmaceuticals, Logistics and Industry.
Optimizing logistics flows to respond to the rapidity of e-commerce and environmental challenges
The rise of e-commerce and its rapid adoption by retailers during the first lockdown marked an acceleration in logistics: the “last mile” has become a key economic issue. The Covid-19 crisis and the explosion in online sales confirm that the digital transformation of companies is part of a hybrid model where physical logistics are closely linked to digital. Logistics people will have to be at the heart of the digital transformation and at the same time of environmental requirements. The strengthening of trade related to e-commerce shows to what extent logistics is becoming strategic from a business and environmental point of view.
Decentralizing the logistics chain by involving customers
Logistics is becoming a key axis of marketing by involving the customer as an actor in logistics with the generalization of services such as click & collect or even waste management. During the first lockdown, many french people organized themselves to print visors, sew masks, prepare and distribute meals to the most affected populations or even carry parcels to neighbors or vulnerable people.
These organizations parallel to traditional logistics chains have made it possible to go faster and target local needs by favoring short circuits. Companies will be able to involve users in their supply chain as long as their action is meaningful and they have a strong presence on social networks to launch viral actions.
Automating the supply chain to optimize processes and increase productivity
The health crisis has significantly increased e-commerce, home delivery and other delivery services such as drive, and has therefore prompted distribution companies to think about new solutions to meet fluctuating demands.
While automation and robotics technologies have been used in warehouses for several years, processes must be increasingly innovative and rely on real-time data analysis to increase the efficiency and productivity of the supply chain. Automation will make it possible to perform tasks more quickly and considerably reduce errors in the face of large increases in load and therefore better cope with peaks in demand by offering more flexibility.
Distributing the supply chain through blockchain and IoT
Logistics chains, complex due to the many actors who make them up, are struggling today to ensure full product traceability. They also lack flexibility and responsiveness and generate many external costs. The recent scandals, particularly in the agri-food sector, have given rise to a lack of confidence and a need for reassurance about the origin of products. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of blockchains make it possible to considerably strengthen confidence on the customer side and to be able to rely on a consortium of reliable partners.

Customer success
FM Logistic
Find out how SFEIR supported FM Logistic in migrating their data to the Cloud and optimizing their productivity.